Community Groups and Classes using the Church
Knitter , Natter , Craft & Chatter Coffee Group
We are a well-established group that meets every Wednesday between 2.00pm to 4.00pm in the Drysdale room. Please enter by the side door of Church.
Everyone is welcome to join us for coffee (or tea of course) and to share our chat. Our ongoing group projects vary and those wishing to join them are welcome. Further details from Mrs Joan Cooper at St George's Church. |
Seniors Exercise Class
Yoga for All
St George's Ladies' Coffee Club
Community Players
Seniors Exercise Class
The senior exercise class is run by Ronke Gbadebo, who is qualified and works under the umbrella of Age UK. We give exercise classes for seniors and practice low impact aerobics, pilates, Chi Gong, stretching and relaxation. The classes are lively, fun and friendly. Refreshments are provided at the end of the session. Classes are held on Mondays from 9.00 - 12.00 and in the afternoonn. Cost per session is £3.50. We welcome ladies and gentlemen. For further information please contact Ronke Gbadebo
Yoga for All; a class given by Karen Bell
A NEW, friendly and welcoming yoga class taught by Newcastle’s Karen Bell is now on every Monday from 1pm-2.30pm. It is a friendly class, suitable for all abilities and ages, led by an experienced teacher - trained by the British Wheel of Yoga and a regular on the North of England festival circuit.
These classes will improve your posture and strength, release tension in the body and improve breathing. We always finish the class with some nice relaxation time or ‘Yoga Nidra’. These classes cost £45 for a block of five sessions or £10 drop-in - but you can come and try for just £5 on your first visit and see if you enjoy it. All you need to join a friendly class is comfortable clothes and a yoga mat. See you there! Contact Karen St George's Ladies Coffee Club
The Coffee Club meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 2.00 pm in the Drysdale Room on the first floor of the church. The room can be accessed by the staircase or by the lift (level 1) from the side door of the church opposite Metcalfe' Carpet Shop. Meetings usually have a visiting guest speaker and also provide an opportunity for social contact. There is a charge of £1.50 for each meeting attended, to cover the costs of tea and coffee. The Coffee Club organises several other events including a sale of Christmas Flower Arrangements with a coffee morning; a domino drive and a stall at the Autumn Fair. For further information please contact Sarah Cleverley
Community Players
St George’s Community Players was founded in 1929 and presents 2 plays each year – in March and November – each for 3 nights. Our venue is the Church Hall with a capacity of about 120 and in addition to murder mysteries (often "in house" efforts) and comedies, we stage frequent serious dramas, including “A Man for All Seasons”, “The Crucible “ and the like. In 2014 we presented “Oh What a Lovely War” with a cast of 25-30 people and in 2016 we plan to re-stage a musical play written specifically for us, entitled “Crusader” – the story of Ellen Wilkinson who was MP for Jarrow at the time of the Jarrow March in 1936. We first performed this in 2001 and were subsequently asked to stage it at The Customs House in North Shields, a privilege normally reserved for professional companies. In addition to our main performances at the Church, we also usually have a presence at both the annual “Picnic in the Park” and “Morpeth Fair” events.
We are a friendly and welcoming Society of around 30-35 members and we rehearse twice weekly – Monday and Thursday evenings – in the 10 weeks or so run-up to a show. We also have a varied programme of social events including play readings, members’ nights, theatre visits and Summer and Christmas meals. Last year we had fascinating back-stage tours of both The Theatre Royal and the Tyne Theatre. We are very happy to recruit new members - as actors, set-builders, back-stage help, FOH help and so on. If you are interested, please contact our Secretary, Heather Robinson (01670 812870). We have a very loyal body of Patrons and we stage occasional Coffee Bar Theatre nights for them, in the form of an evening of varied entertainment with short sketches and readings, often written by our members, or sometimes a one-act play (again often penned by our members). If you would like to become a Patron, and by doing so help keep local theatre alive and thriving, please contact our Patrons’ Secretary, Sheila Green (01670 514228) and see also the web site |
Social Events in the Church

The Church usually holds an annual Christmas Social, composed of a series of (more or less related) sketches, sometimes linked, designed to mildly lampoon current events in Morpeth and more widely. Last time, in a break from tradition, we put on a (sort of) panto. The format is that dinner is served at intervals during the play, and audience participation encouraged. There is also a raffle with some excellent prizes and a cash bar. Tickets from Christine Oakes are usually available from early-mid Autumn in the pre-Christmas season and often sell out very quickly (01670 518608). For many folk, this production is usually a sign that the Christmas Season in Morpeth has begun.
Badminton Clubs
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Morning Clubs
Wednesday mornings in the church hall from 9.30 to 11. There are usually 6 to 8 regular players so there is the opportunity to have four or five games during that time. We welcome new players and if you have not played badminton before or you have not played for a number of years do come and see how you get on. If you interested in joining us please contact either Joyce Calcraft or Sarah Cleverley Tuesday and Thursday mornings all year round, from 10 am – noon the church Hall. We are a group of “social” players - when not actually on court, we enjoy coffee, biscuits and chatting – and not necessarily in that order! We pay £1 per session and an Annual Fee of £10 (payable in September) – any surplus funds are donated to the church at the end of the year (£785 in 2015). We could happily accommodate a few more players, so if you have played in the past and fancy taking it up again in a very friendly and sociable group, please contact Allen Oakes |
Country-Dance Club
We meet monthly, from 7.30 – approx 9.45 pm, on Saturday nights during September – May; details here. It is suitable for all ages (we currently have an age range of about 3 – 80+ year old!) and no previous experience is necessary – all dances are walked-through in advance and “called” during performances. It is a “fun” social evening – nobody (including the caller!) takes it too seriously – if we start and end a dance together we consider it to be a success, irrespective of what might happen in the middle! We are very fortunate to have our own Ceilidh Band – “sgurc” - a bunch of talented players whose members play whenever they are available – this often results in a band that might contain trombonists and tuba players, as well as the more “traditional” ceilidh band instruments! – but this is all part of the fun!
It costs only £1.50 per session and children come along FREE! Surplus money is donated annually to the church (£150 last year). Bring along your own refreshment and nibbles. Our only stipulation is: NO STILETTO HEELS PLEASE!
For details of forthcoming dates please see the church calendar Please note that there is no club in April – instead many folk attend the “Morpeth Gathering” Ceilidh, also held in our church Hall. For further details please contact Shirley Forster .
It costs only £1.50 per session and children come along FREE! Surplus money is donated annually to the church (£150 last year). Bring along your own refreshment and nibbles. Our only stipulation is: NO STILETTO HEELS PLEASE!
For details of forthcoming dates please see the church calendar Please note that there is no club in April – instead many folk attend the “Morpeth Gathering” Ceilidh, also held in our church Hall. For further details please contact Shirley Forster .
Zumba Class
Lisa Oguona holds a Zumba Class every Wednesday at 6.00 pm (High Intensity) and every Thursday at 5.45 pm (Low intensity); see contact details. Lisa writes:
Over 15 million people are taking a Zumba® class around the world – why not join in the fun? The Zumba® classes at St George’s URC are perfect for everybody and EVERY body! Our dance fitness classes are friendly and fun and often described as exercise in disguise. Let the Latin and World rhythms transport you around the world. Classes focus on all elements of fitness including cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance. Guaranteed high energy and fun to every class and participants describe the classes as: “Zumba with Lisa O has added so much to our lives – not only is the music fab, it’s a great way to keep fit and where else could women of a certain age be able to completely let themselves go, dance like no-one is watching and have great fun?!” Hazel “Zumba is so much fun; it sets me up for the weekend. I feel very positive about myself after the class, inspired by our lovely teacher, Lisa” Chris “I really look forward to Zumba at St George’s church hall. These informal sessions are a great way to exercise without realising it! The fabulous music, funky dance moves and our very welcoming and encouraging instructor Lisa, make this the quickest hour of the week. I now recognise fellow Zumba Ladies all over Morpeth and have made some lovely new friends. I would recommend this class to anyone; Zumba has made a huge difference to my life!” Alison The classes start at 10.00am each Friday morning. No previous experience necessary; all age ranges and abilities welcome (our current participant age range varies from 32 to 86 years of age). Men also welcome! Wear comfortable clothing and don’t forget to bring water! |
What girls in Guides do
'Guiding is lots of fun because you get to go on lots of trips and you meet your friends every week at the unit.' Guides try adventure sports, put on performances, travel and run their own community action projects. And whether you're a film-lover or an outdoor cook, you can show how much you've learned by working towards interest badges. You can also gain Challenge badges that build towards the Baden-Powell Challenge Award. But what you do is up to you - in groups called Patrols, you'll pick the badges and activities that interest you, and get the support to make them happen.
Guides is for girls aged 10 to 14. If you want to know more or add your name to our waiting list, then please get in touch with Liz Kelly on 077 1448 1089 or email [email protected]
Guides take on five types of challenge, and choose what they want to do for each.
Life after Guides: At 14, you can join The Senior Section and gain skills that look brilliant on a CV, travel abroad through guiding, or give something back by leading or mentoring younger girls. After all, you'll have learned a lot to pass on!
'Guiding is lots of fun because you get to go on lots of trips and you meet your friends every week at the unit.' Guides try adventure sports, put on performances, travel and run their own community action projects. And whether you're a film-lover or an outdoor cook, you can show how much you've learned by working towards interest badges. You can also gain Challenge badges that build towards the Baden-Powell Challenge Award. But what you do is up to you - in groups called Patrols, you'll pick the badges and activities that interest you, and get the support to make them happen.
Guides is for girls aged 10 to 14. If you want to know more or add your name to our waiting list, then please get in touch with Liz Kelly on 077 1448 1089 or email [email protected]
Guides take on five types of challenge, and choose what they want to do for each.
- Healthy lifestyles – it’s not just about what you eat! Learn how to keep your mind, body and spirit in balance by trying meditation or organising a sponsored sporting event
- Global awareness – how about organising an international evening for your unit, or planning a Fairtrade cookout?
- Discovery of new experiences and challenges – fancy spending the night in a shelter you built yourself?
- Skills and relationships – show off the fun you have at Guides by planning a party for people not involved, or learn how to keep a cool head in an emergency
- Celebrating diversity – find out what it’s like to live with a disability, or get busy planting trees or bulbs to improve your local area
Life after Guides: At 14, you can join The Senior Section and gain skills that look brilliant on a CV, travel abroad through guiding, or give something back by leading or mentoring younger girls. After all, you'll have learned a lot to pass on!
What you could do in The Senior Section
As a member of The Senior Section you can explore a huge variety of challenges, from travel in the UK (and around the world) to working towards valuable qualifications. The Senior Section is for you if you are interested in:
If you are aged between 14 and 26 and would like to know more or come along and join us on a Tuesday evening, term time only, from 7.00 pm until 8.30 pm, then please contact Liz Kelly on 077 1448 1089 or email [email protected].
Members of The Senior Section follow the Look Wider programme, developing new skills and improve existing ones through eight 'octants'. What you do for each of the eight 'octants' is up to you – these are just a few suggestions.
As a member of The Senior Section you can explore a huge variety of challenges, from travel in the UK (and around the world) to working towards valuable qualifications. The Senior Section is for you if you are interested in:
- challenging awards like the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and Queen’s Guide Award
- international trips, camps and events - plus national events
- empowering other young women to have body confidence, become better team leaders, and stay healthy through our Peer Education initiative
- leading younger members and passing on what you've learned through guiding
- guiding activities that adapt to your time and commitments
If you are aged between 14 and 26 and would like to know more or come along and join us on a Tuesday evening, term time only, from 7.00 pm until 8.30 pm, then please contact Liz Kelly on 077 1448 1089 or email [email protected].
Members of The Senior Section follow the Look Wider programme, developing new skills and improve existing ones through eight 'octants'. What you do for each of the eight 'octants' is up to you – these are just a few suggestions.
- Community action – perhaps you could organise a fundraising event or volunteer at a local sports club
- Creativity – from fashion to drama or web design!
- Fit for life – you might learn to manage stress or take on a sporting challenge
- Independent living – get the skills you’ll need in the years to come by learning car maintenance or how to budget for an overseas trip
- International – doesn’t have to mean going abroad! You could learn another language or meet guiding members from across the world at an international camp in the UK
- Leadership – develop your own skills by shadowing a local MP for the day or helping younger girls understand what makes a good leader
- Out of doors – maybe you’d like to try off-road driving, or improve your landscape photography?
- Personal values – what makes you unique? You can investigate your beliefs by visiting local places of worship, or explore your family history