Contact Details for Church Officers and Managers
Where no contact details are given, please contact the Clerk who will ensure that any message is passed on.
The Minister, Revd. Julian Sanders
The minister's statement can be found here. He can be contacted by telephone: 01670 225539, or by e-mail: [email protected]
Church Secretary
Morag Stead: tel. 07745802475. Morag's main duties include Church administration e.g. general correspondence, record keeping, servicing Church meetings and Elders meetings. Also ensuring with the Elders that appropriate and regular worship takes place, as well as supporting and assisting the Minister.
David Calcraft
Manager's Clerk

Andrew Hamnett is the Clerk to the Managers and his main duties are to ensure that managers' meetings take place regularly and to report the results of discussions and decisions taken by the managers to church members and to Elders. He can be contacted on 01670 518485 or by email at [email protected]
Property Manager
Currently vacant
Social Convenor
Gillian Irvine, 01670 515870. Gillian's main duty is to look after the major social events taking place at St George's Church, and to act as a first point of contact for organisations or individuals who may be thinking of organising such events, especially if they require catering
Gift-aid Secretary
Linda Glascott
Junior Church Leader
Barbara Pringle: 510068. Barbara leads a small team of dedicated Junior Church Leaders in keeping our young people engaged with the Church and the teachings of Jesus. This includes the children talking to the Church as a whole, as a family group, and Involving our young people in some of the Church services, such as Harvest Festival and the Nativity Service.
Cradle Roll Secretary
Sue Rutherford: Ellington 860811. Sue is our the Cradle Roll secretary, meeting, along with the minister, with parents of a baby prior to its baptism; being with baptismal party immediately prior to and during the baptism service; organising the certificate presented to family and looking after the candle and floral arrangement used in the service.
Freewill Secretary
Linda Glascott
Hall Lettings
Enquiries about hall lettings should be addressed to Andy Cleverley 01670 515257.
Orchestra Coordinator
Christine Oakes if you would like to join the church orchestra or Shirley Forster if you want more details of the ceilidh band. Players of all ages and skills welcome.
Magazine Editor
Stephanie Robson