Recent and significant events in the Church
The Christmas Social 2024
The Annual Christmas Social was organised this year by Shirley Forster and a small team around the idea of a traditional music hall performance - lots of singing and story telling loosely connected to the Advent Festival and winter time. The performers, many of whom were seasoned hams, included a band of players, a large group of singers and some who gave excellent recitals of poems and stories. Some of the performers are shown in the pictures, as well as the many members of the audience enjoying a Christmas Afternoon Tea.
Recent Services for the Christmas Season
Annual Charity Card Sale 2024
St George's URC Band Playing at Great Bavington on 2nd June 2024
St George's Annual Plant Sale 2024
The annual plant sale offers the opportunity for the gardeners of Morpeth to obtain bedding plants at very reasonable prices, as well as enjoying a social cup of coffee and the book-store and tombola. The doors opened at 10,00 am and there was already a big crowd waiting to get in. As the morning progressed the crowds, if anything, increased, and sales were very brisk. After the shopping, a break was essential and the coffee stall did a roaring trade. Very successful ventures like this don't just happen; they need commitment from the whole church; the minister and Mary Kelly are shown in one photograph and the kitchen staff as well. The meet & greet teams has a whale of a time, and made a lot of new friends.
Easter Day at St George's
Easter is always a special occasion in any church, and this year the flower committee produced a truly stunning arrangement in front of the communion table. A first, this year, was an evening service of favourite Easter hymns interspersed with prayers and reflections. Nine hymns were chosen by the congregation and sung with gusto.
Good Friday open-air service in Market Square, Morpeth 2024
Palm Sunday 2024
Palm Sunday celebrates the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem and his reception by a crowd of well-wishers and disciples, Photographs show the collection of palm crosses to be given out to the congregation and also the spreading of cloaks in memory of the actions of the crowd on the original Palm Sunday.
Managers' Coffee Morning - Saturday 20th January 2024
Every year the Managers of St George's Church hold a coffee morning which brings together the church and the town for the first social event of the year and an opportunity to donate duplicated or unneeded presents. The photographs show the stalls with cards and jigsaws as well as the sale of scones and hot drinks and the very busy social scene.
Carols in the Car Park
On Saturday December 16th at 4.00 pm, members of the church got together in the church car park at the East side of the church to sing carols and to provide some seasonal pleasure for shoppers passing by to and from the Terrace Car Park. In the early evening light, with table lights and seasonal illumination, the scene was quite magical.
Nativity Play 2023
A great treat every year is the children's nativity play, written mainly by Barbara Pringle and directed by parents and friends. This year the theme was centred on two young and intrepid reporters who interviewed all the participants to gain first-hand accounts of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, even going so far as to interview King Herod himself! At the end, the official newspaper was published and distributed. The orchestra is shown in the last picture.
Community Carol Service 11th December 2023
St George's holds a community carol service each year, usually on the second or third Sunday of Advent, to which the entire town is invited and to which also the Air Training Corps, which has long-standing links with the church, come to join in the singing. The young players are the very talented Helen and Arthur Graham, and the photograph below shows the minister talking to the Air Training Corps, who are seated in the South Transept.
Advent Sunday 2023
Advent Sunday this year was combined with our annual toy service in which the congregation bring toys for children who are in difficult circumstances. The toys are collected by Morpeth Lions and distributed to wherever there is a need. The first picture shows a brownie lighting the first advent candle, the second shows the Christmas Tree decorated over the weekend and the third shows members of the congregation bringing up toys. (photos Gillian Irvine)
Church Social 2023
The theme this year was preparation by church groups for the coronation, allowing, as usual, some leeway for artistic creativity, and Joann Evans was the stage director. Some pictures are shown of the event: country dancing with staves was not entirely successful but hugely enjoyed as was Shirley's Zumba session to Itsy-bitsy. The band is shown in rehearsal, and mulled wine and mince pies were served. Photos by Gillian Irvine and Shirley Forster.
Knitter Natter Group 2023 - 24
Joan Cooper sends the following message:
After many enjoyable meetings we are having our Christmas break after the meeting on 13th December 2023. We start again on January 10th 2024. Thank you to all our workers (knitters) who have helped with our projects ,we really appreciate the extra help as do the causes we are knitting for. Our knitters are looking for double knitting wool if anyone has any they don't want. Odd balls are perfect. Some of the wonderful results of the group's activities can be seen in the picture opposite. |
The Ladies' Coffee Club is a popular church group that provides monthly meetings and also an annual fundraiser near Christmas. This year's coffee morning was held on the 10th December and attracted a good attendance as well as raising almost £900 for the club and the church. The photos, taken by Gillian Irvine, show a number of the stalls and also the busy social atmosphere, even more attractive on a bitter Saturday morning.
Advent Service and Toy Service 2022
The Church holds a service on Advent Sunday to collect toys for children who would otherwise go without;at the same service the uniformed organisations associated with the church join us, as does our orchestra. The preacher on Sunday was Steve Collinson from Cramlington who is always welcome at the church with a fund of good stories and jokes.
Help for Ukraine Nov 2022
Since May 2022 St. George’s Church in Morpeth has been opening its doors on a Friday morning as a hub for Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in the area, together with their host families and plenty of volunteers under the banner of “Morpeth for Ukraine”. These coffee mornings have also led to other activities being offered such as English language lessons and shared social gatherings with food and music, and a very busy time for the Knitter Natter group who have been knitting up a storm to help Ukraine.
Among those calling in back in July to offer help and introduce us to his own project was Simon Burnage, in the process of collecting humanitarian aid that he would drive across the Polish border and into Ukraine - his second such trip driving over 2,500km in 30 hours.
Back in Morpeth, Simon is already planning yet another trip in the New Year. His intention this time is to prioritise the delivery of thermal underwear, hygiene and sanitary items, children’s clothes and donations to buy building materials to help repair the little school in the village of Kadyshche in the Volyn Oblast. See the photo of the school’s 21 children above and the Knitter Natter group with Ukrainian friends below.
Any contributions will still be gratefully received at church.
Among those calling in back in July to offer help and introduce us to his own project was Simon Burnage, in the process of collecting humanitarian aid that he would drive across the Polish border and into Ukraine - his second such trip driving over 2,500km in 30 hours.
Back in Morpeth, Simon is already planning yet another trip in the New Year. His intention this time is to prioritise the delivery of thermal underwear, hygiene and sanitary items, children’s clothes and donations to buy building materials to help repair the little school in the village of Kadyshche in the Volyn Oblast. See the photo of the school’s 21 children above and the Knitter Natter group with Ukrainian friends below.
Any contributions will still be gratefully received at church.
Sale of charity cards and bake table at St George's 15th October 2022
The annual card sale for charities took place in the church on Saturday 15th October 2022 and some of the range of charities represented can be seen in the photographs. In addition the last photograph shows an astonishing bake table prepared by the Morpeth Ukrainian community, many of whom turned up to help and purchase a great range of goodies.
The Tea-Time Talks Return after Lock-down with a talk by the minister on chocolate and ministry. The audience enjoyed the samples and the cream tea.
The Knitter Natter Group returns after the Summer Break with many projects already in hand
St George's Annual Plant Sale and Coffee Morning 21st May 2022
An annual event in the church is the Spring sale of bedding plants, which attracted a very large number of people this year again. We raised the astonishing sum of £1780, a record and a remarkable achievement given all the other financial pressures on the community at the moment. The sale was organised, as in previous years, by Gillian Irvine, aided by a impressive coterie of helpers who willingly gave of their time on Saturday Morning. The church would want to say a big thank-you to everyone involved.
The flowers for Easter Sunday were spectacular this year - some photographs taken by Mrs Joan Cooper are shown below
Early Spring Coffee Morning 2022
The church held an early Spring Coffee Morning which raised the excellent sum of £872.10 for Church Funds. The photographs shows the variety of stalls, with every stall kept busy during the morning. The kitchen was also busy the whole time serving customers who were clearly delighted to be out and about again after the Winter weather and the way in which Covid had put a dampener on social life in recent times.
Return of Musica Johannis to St George's for a Christmas Concert
Friday December the 17th saw a welcome return to St George's of the very talented group Musica Johannis from Newcastle, whose concert raised £500 for Marie Curie. The programme was a varied one with the audience expected to sing two well-known carols whilst Musica Johannis sang a number of carols composed or arranged by composers as varied as Bullard, Chilcott, Watson, Rutter and Thomas Hewitt Jones. There were also arrangements of two very familiar works by Leroy Anderson and Irving Berlin, culminating in Rutter's arrangement of "The Twelve Days of Christmas". A hugely enjoyable programme very well attended and received.
The Christmas Social returned to St George's after two years to a sell-out audience.
The Christmas Social is an annual introduction to the Christmas season at St George's, and is usually based rather loosely on local legend and/or well-known stories. This year we used a script written by Jared Johnson just before his untimely death and we were delighted when Margaret Johnson gave us her permission to use it to honour Jared's long association with the Thespian world. The show was based (sort of) on Dickens' great story of the Christmas Carol and the redemption of Ebenezer Scrooge, played on this occasion by our minister Rev. Julian Sanders, who is shown in the first picture with Marley's ghost, played most convincingly by Shirley Forster. Below, first row from left to right: Joann Evans who directed the show, and narrated the action, and the cast in full voice; on the second row the rather un-Dickensian and very villainous sisters of the young Scrooge and the band supporting the cause; on the third row are some of the indispensable drinks team and the highly versatile Shirley now playing the part of the ghost of Christmas Present. Audience participation was enthusiastic with boos, hisses and cheers reaching to the rafters. A great night out to cheer everyone up.
The ever-popular Lunchtime concerts are back
We are delighted to welcome the relaunch of the Lunchtime Concert series organised by Gillian and Ken Irvine. The first of the Autumn series featured the Virtuoso Jazz Trio, who are always warmly received by the audience and the second concert featured Jessica Graham (violin) and Rachel Jeffers (flute) who were accompanied by Ken Irvine and gave a delightful concert in October. On November 17th we will welcome some of the very talented pupils of David and Jennifer Murray.
The plant sale - May 2021
A sign of returning normality was the plant sale on May 29th. We thought to hold it outside to minimise infection and to allow more control over numbers. In the event the weather was kind to us and visitors were content to wait if the garden became too full. It was a wonderful reminder of all that we had missed.
The new doors to the church were installed in July 2020
After much discussion, the church resolved at a church meeting to install new glass doors at the front and to re-model the vestibule to make a more welcoming entry point for worshippers. The results are shown in the attached pictures, with photographs taken of the new church interior, the newly-moved Methodist Window, and the front doors from outside. In addition, the old wooden doors have been retained and used to make a new external chair in the garden.
World Day of Prayer 6th March 2020
The World Day of Prayer, previously known as the Women's World Day of Prayer was held in Morpeth Methodist Church on Friday 6th March. The St George's orchestra supplied most of the music for the occasion, ably led by Harriet Gilfillan and the service was written by the Christian Women of Zimbabwe. The service was followed by a wonderful tea in the hall.
Air Cadets' Service 2nd February 2020
The church was delighted to welcome the Morpeth Air Cadets to their annual service in St George's. There is a long connection between the Air Cadets and the church; the previous minister, Revd. Ron Forster, was their chaplain for may years, and the connection is maintained through Revd. Alison Mills, a church members and the minister at St Mark's, Amble. During the service, the Air Cadets renewed their vows and read the lessons.
Christmas-Tree Festival 2019
The Christmas Tree Festival organised by the Multiple Sclerosis Research and Relief Fund took place in St George's Church again this year on the 6th and 7th December. As always the trees were dazzling, showing a phenomenal level of creativity in the community; some of the trees are shown in the photographs courtesy of Gillian Irvine. In order the trees are from: Sunshine pre-school Nursery; Morpeth Camera Club; St George's Junior Church; Goosehill Nursery; Lavenders Blue; Wetherspoons; Mid-Northumberland Chorus; St George's Church; Morpeth Flower Club; Henry Dancer Days Children's Cancer Charity; The Office Pub and The Morpeth Lions.
The induction of our new Minister, Revd. Julian Sanders 2019
St George's Church turned out in force to welcome its new minister, Revd. Julian Sanders on his induction. The photographs (all courtesy Gillian Irvine) show Julian describing his call, showing the gift of the church, a Northumberland tartan stole, the orchestra playing for the service, the tea afterwards in the upper hall, Julian with his three sons, Julian being greeted by Revd. Anthony Oakley from Morpeth Methodist Church, and Julian with the Moderator, interim Moderator, and the church secretaries of St George's Morpeth, Widdrington and Great Bavington.
Easter Day 2019 - A Celebration of Easter and two Baptisms and Confirmations
Country Dance Club March Meeting 9th March 2019
There was an excellent turn-out of about 30-35 people for the March CDC, with several new folk attending for the first time and with 10 Ceilidh Band members playing.
Future CDC dates for the whole of 2019 are: 6 April, 4 May, 14 Sept, 19 Oct and 9 Nov. Sessions are from 7.30 to around 9.30/9.45 and are suitable for all ages - no previous experience is needed because all dances are walked-through and then "called". Cost is only £1.50 per session for adults and children are free. On 28 Sept we also host the Annual Christian Aid Ceilidh. Tickets for this cost £5 (adult) and £2.50 (child). This event has a paying bar and a raffle to raise money for the Charity. Contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514610 or email [email protected] for further details. |
February Tea-time Talk
On February 28th Dr Hilary Hamnett gave a talk entitled "Nerve Agents in the News" which was attended by a substantial audience who were fascinated by the stories of recent poisonings in the UK and elsewhere. The photographs show Hilary lecturing and relaxing afterwards, as well as the intense discussions taking place over tea after the lecture.
Christmas Toy Service
The Christmas Toy Service gives an opportunity for the congregation to present gifts to children who might otherwise go without. Before the service the Christmas Angels were assembled, during the service the young people presented and the orchestra played, afterwards the banners of the uniformed organisations were taken out and all the presents prepared for distribution.
Sunday Nativity Blessing 8th November
Harvest Festival at St George's Church
St George's Summer Picnic and Ceilidh
St George's held a Summer Picnic and Ceilidh which was attended by a grown-ups and children in equal measure, the latter making up in enthusiasm what they may have lacked in precision. The evening started at 5.00 pm with a picnic outside in the sunshine; the SGURC Ceilidh band announced the second part of the evening. The children were still full of energy, the grown ups a little less so, but who can resist a "come on" from a little girl in her party frock when the dance was called or a teenager about the age of one of my granddaughters who said "you're still agile " when the Cumberland square eight was called. Here are some photos from Joan Cooper: we hope you can feel the fun.
The Younger Generation at The Knitter and Natter Group
Soup and Pud Lunch with the Knitter and Natter Group
St George's Annual Toy Service and Blessing of the Angels
The Annual Toy Service and Blessing of the Angels took place on Sunday 3rd December at St George's. The toys will be collected and wrapped by Joan and Robin Cooper and other members of the Morpeth Lions Club and distributed to children through the Children's Support Team in Ashington, who identified the children most at need. Morpeth Lions Club would like to say a big Thankyou to all those members of the congregation who donated toys and cash at the Sunday Toy service. We have lots more toys and clothing etc. than needed for the initial children. However, the Children's Support Team workers have many other children that will benefit from these extras that we will give them.
St George's - a previous Christmas Social
The Annual Christmas Social at St George's was held on Friday evening 1st December, directed by Joann Evans supported by a cast that made up in enthusiasm what might have been lacking in the terpsichorean arts. The theme was the seasons and the music hall: numbers included "I do like to be beside the seaside"; "Some enchanted Evening"; "Daddy wouldn't buy me a bow-wow"; "Burlington Bertie"; "I Love to go a-wandering"; "Nobody loves a Fairy when she's Forty"; "Here we go a-wassailing"; "The twelve days of Christmas" and the "Zither Carol". The kitchen provided an excellent meal and the Hall was a sell-out for the occasion. It was a great get-together.
Annual Church Autumn Fair 2017
Christian Aid Ceilidh
50th Anniversary of the Ladies' Coffee Club
The Ladies' Coffee Club celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a tea on Friday 13th October in the Church Hall. Lots of memories were exchanged, photographs of the 40th Anniversary exhibited, and some of the original founders of the club reminisced about its early days. The photos are courtesy Stephanie Robson.
Ron Forster's Retirement Service
Ron Forster's official retirement service took place on Sunday 23rd July with former Synod Moderator Liz Mullen preaching the sermon and the band playing de-do-ron-ron (amongst other pieces). Afterwards a retirement cake was presented to Ron and Shirley, showing the pair in traditional dress at the last Morpeth Gathering. Ron was asked to make the first cut, revealing a highly multi-coloured cake
Garden Party at St George's URC
The Church garden party took place on Saturday 22nd July, though this year we retreated to the church hall owing to the weather. The hall was filled to capacity, the band serenaded us all and conversation was highly animated! Extra tea was needed in prodigious quantities and Ron and Shirley Forster were present to receive our best wishes. Pictures from Gillian Irvine.
Junior Church Graduation 2017
On July 16th The Junior Church broke up for the Summer and made a presentation to the congregation showing a montage they had constructed. It is also the last Sunday for Shirley Forster who has led the Junior Church for many years and who is now stepping down. A presentation was made to Shirley as well as to all the Junior Church members to say a heartfelt thank you for all her hard work. Some pictures of the final presentation are shown courtesy Stephanie Robson.
Farewell Ceilidh for Ron Forster
Installation of new chairs in the Church
Away Weekend at Windermere 5 - 7th May
The Church organised a weekend away in the first weekend of May to prepare for the departure of our minister Revd. Ron Forster and to enjoy spiritual renewal with the recently retired moderator, LIz Mullen. The two photographs on the left show the garden at the Windermere Centre and some of our group awaiting lunch on Sunday morning.
The programme for the weekend had us watching the film 'Whistle Down the Wind' on Friday evening, a still very thought-provoking drama starring Hayley Mills, with a marvellous performance by the child actor Alan Barnes. On Saturday, Liz led a discussion of the film that broadened out into a very interesting set of reflections by members on the role of the church. On Saturday evening, after dinner (left above) Taffy Thomas gave one of his inimitable performances as a story-teller (above, centre) and then we got ready (above right) for a quiz, that was won handsomely by the team shown on the left. Many congratulations to them!
The Morpeth Angels
For the last two years,members of the church and their many friends and relatives outside, have knitted little angels; these are blessed and then distributed to local shops and businesses and also left in highways and byways to be picked up and taken home to remind us all that Christmas is more than a secular festival. Some of the (more than 400) angels are shown in the photographs, one in Korea!
One of the angels was found on a Christmas Tree and one in the woods, shown also in close-up. There have been lots of comments on FaceBook about the angels; those finding them have said how much it means to them: "Thank-you for my lovely angel ,found it on Lady's Walk whilst out walking"; "Found my lovely angel attached to a tree on our way out of Lancaster Park this morning! How delightful. Our little girl was very excited"; "Big thank-you to Ron Forster and his knitting elves for brightening up a grey Monday morning.. Look out for this one’s friends dotted around the town, you might be lucky enough to find one"; "A wonderful gift from St. George’s Church I found on my doggie walk. Feeling quite blessed! A welcome little angel for my granddaughter now safe and sound on my Christmas tree."
Joint Carol Service
Every year, St George's Church Morpeth hold a joint Carol Service with Morpeth Methodist Church. This year the service was held at St George's and a specially convened choir sang three pieces: an old Appalachian Carol ("I wonder as I wander"), and two songs by Warlock and Singer. The Service also had severn congregational carols and bible readings, as well as two other readings: one specially written by Revd. Stuart Brock and the other the "Journey of the Magi" by T.S. Eliot. The photograph shows the congregation in fellowship after the service was over.
Cradle Roll Service
Every three months St George's Church holds a cradle-roll service inviting all children recently baptised in the church, together with their parents, to come along for an hour of play and fellowship. The photograph shows a rather magical scene as the first Christmas was re-enacted for and with the children and the adults present.
Church Nativity Play
Each Year St George's Church Morpeth and Morpeth Methodist Church jointly organise a Nativity Play. This year the play was performed at the Methodist Church with children from both churches taking part; the photogaph on the left shows the scene during the rehearsal and the photograph on the bottom left the actual performance with the Revd. Ron Forster, our minister, presiding. The Nativity play was accompanied by the St George's orchestra who are shown in festive garb in the photograph below.
Light in the Darkness Service

Each Year the Morpeth Funeral Directors, Jacob Conroy and Son, in association with St George's Church organises a service to bring together at Christmas those who have lost a loved one in the recent past. Each person attending is invited to light a candle in memory of their loved one, and the photograph shows the communion table with the candles lit at the end of the service. The service on this occasion was conducted by Revd. Ron Forster with prayers said by the Rector of Morpeth, the Revd. Simon White. The order of service is available below.
Junior Church makes the Christmas Crib Figures
Our Minister involved in the Community
The Revd. Ron Forster has been heavily involved in Community activities throughout his ministry here at St George's but this week was very special. On 22nd May Morpeth Town Football Club played Hereford FC at Wembley and Ron is shown in the picture having blessed the shirts of the players. The remarkable double rainbow may have been a favourable response from on high, as the Morpeth team won 4-1 in a thrilling match. They will parade with their trophy on Morpeth Fair Day 12th June, when the whole town will welcome them back. Three days later, at a ceremony in the Town Hall on May 25th, Ron was unanimously elected Deputy Mayor of Morpeth with Shirley, his wife, as his official consort to general acclamation. This was a popular appointment and a tribute to the affection in which Ron is held in the town.
Ron can be heard on BBC Radio Newcastle talking about the Team The segment on Morpeth AFC starts at 01:48:26 in the link. Picture courtesy Councillor David Clark. |
Twenty Years of Ministry Celebration for Suzanne

Suzanne Hamnett, one of the ministers associated with St George's Church in Morpeth, was ordained in 1995 after three years study at the North-East Oecumenical Course and she celebrated 20 years of ministry on 27th December at the church.