Charitable Work involving the St George's Community
Collection for Christian Aid
St George's Angels
St George’s Church ladies and friends are liaising with 4th Morpeth Scouts. They are teaching the Scouts to knit Angels and are being very successful; some of the knitted angels from the scouts can be seen below. The Angel pattern is now available at the Leisure Centre and on Morpeth Matters. All Angels will be blessed in St George’s on December 1st during the toy service ,at 10,30 am. They will fly during the week beginning December 16th.
Knit and Natter Group and New Friends
A letter arrived to St. GEORGE’S from Morpeth Australia saying that a group of ladies from the Country Woman’s Association (like the W.I.) Had read the article about our Knitter natter coffee group in the Peoples Friend magazine, how we had knitted poppies for the centenary display for the first world war, in Morpeth.
Their president, Di Innes and husband Ian were coming to the U.K and would very much like to visit us in Morpeth England, we agreed a date and made plans. The day arrived , we also invited members of the Morpeth Antiquarian Society and Morpeth W I.
Coffee and scones and friendly chat ensued, Ian having escaped to the bagpipe museum with Robin for a tour with Kim Bibby-Wilson; since Ian was a piper, that was a great success. A small group then made a short walking tour of Morpeth before lunch at Micah’s. At 2pm we were in the Buttermarket of the town Hall joined by a larger group of knitter natterers to meet the Mayor and enjoy a tour of the Mayor’s Parlour and the Council Chamber.
Our Mayor was a really interesting host with the history of Morpeth at her finger tips .
Sadly the visit had to end , but not our friendship, we had exchanged gifts and made memories, next Anzac Day they will lay a wreath of knitted poppies from Morpeth England, and we will all remember the soldiers who fought together, from two Morpeths at opposite ends of the world. The photos are courtesy Joan Cooper and show the joint poppy wreath, the visit to the Mayor's parlour, the exchange of gifts between our visitors and the Mayor and our visitors outside the Town Hall.
Their president, Di Innes and husband Ian were coming to the U.K and would very much like to visit us in Morpeth England, we agreed a date and made plans. The day arrived , we also invited members of the Morpeth Antiquarian Society and Morpeth W I.
Coffee and scones and friendly chat ensued, Ian having escaped to the bagpipe museum with Robin for a tour with Kim Bibby-Wilson; since Ian was a piper, that was a great success. A small group then made a short walking tour of Morpeth before lunch at Micah’s. At 2pm we were in the Buttermarket of the town Hall joined by a larger group of knitter natterers to meet the Mayor and enjoy a tour of the Mayor’s Parlour and the Council Chamber.
Our Mayor was a really interesting host with the history of Morpeth at her finger tips .
Sadly the visit had to end , but not our friendship, we had exchanged gifts and made memories, next Anzac Day they will lay a wreath of knitted poppies from Morpeth England, and we will all remember the soldiers who fought together, from two Morpeths at opposite ends of the world. The photos are courtesy Joan Cooper and show the joint poppy wreath, the visit to the Mayor's parlour, the exchange of gifts between our visitors and the Mayor and our visitors outside the Town Hall.
Knit and Natter Group at St George's
Knitting Poppies
The knitter natter group have knitted 231 poppies for the Morpeth Antiquarian Society to use in the display to celebrate the end of the 1st. World war. The antiquarians have researched each of the 231 names on the cenotaph with interesting results, and the display will be in the Town Hall on 9th June. The photo shows Angela Teesdale receiving the poppies from the group.
Teddies for Trauma
Our Knitter - Natter coffee group has taken up a new challenge; to knit "Teddies for Trauma". These will be carried in police cars throughout the Northumbria police force, for the comfort of children in distress. A more detailed account can be found in the magazine "My Weekly" for July 10th - 17th 2018 (No. 5432) pp. 40 - 41. The lower picture shows the Police Commissioner and the Chief Constable accepting the knitted teddies
Raising money for the Henry Dancer Days Charity
The Mid-Northumberland Chorus sang on Saturday November 26th 2016 in aid of the Henry Dancer Days Fund. Henry Dancer Days is a charity which supports children and young people 18 years and under with Primary Bone Cancer. Grants are given to families whose child is undergoing treatment. The choir helped raise £740 and has several St George's Folk singing in it. The choir was photographed at Heighley Gate with its conductor Paul Toward (centre). For enquiries about the choir please go to the choir website,

Here are Ron and Shirley Forster after finishing the great North Run; they even came out smiling.. though a bit glakey looking!! Shirley and Ron said: "We ran most of the way together .. and Shirley emerged as winner in position 31419 out of about 56000 .. in 2 hours 40 mins and 6 seconds. We crossed the winning line together.. but Ron had crossed the start 14 seconds earlier.. so he was timed 2 hours 40 mins and 20 seconds...... and 40 places after Shirley!!" . Shirley is chuffed to say that that she achieved very close to her average running pace over much shorter distances of 8 mins a km.
Steven Forster was on duty with the Woodcraft folk on the finishing line, and greeted us in his great north run official volunteer uniform anorak, and we were awarded our medals by one of the Woodcraft folk !!
We think we have raised about £1000 in sponsorship money which is going to Christian aid.. .. It came in in ones and twos and tens and the occasional 50 and it has all added up .. lots of it via the ‘just giving’ site was gift aided too..
so thank you very much if you are among the folk who contributed... and if you haven't yet and want to, we’ll happily pass on your money, as cash, or via our just giving site (link below).
Steven Forster was on duty with the Woodcraft folk on the finishing line, and greeted us in his great north run official volunteer uniform anorak, and we were awarded our medals by one of the Woodcraft folk !!
We think we have raised about £1000 in sponsorship money which is going to Christian aid.. .. It came in in ones and twos and tens and the occasional 50 and it has all added up .. lots of it via the ‘just giving’ site was gift aided too..
so thank you very much if you are among the folk who contributed... and if you haven't yet and want to, we’ll happily pass on your money, as cash, or via our just giving site (link below).
The Community at St George's Church in Morpeth are involved in a large variety of activities raising money for many charitable causes. This page shows some of our efforts and where those who may want to sponsor those involved can donate.
The Great North Run
Ron and Shirley Forster are running the Great North Run on Sunday 11th September for Christian Aid. Would you care to sponsor them? All amounts gratefully accepted – no matter how small or large. If you would like to sponsor them you can do so online where you can give, and gift aid the gift if you are a tax payer. Also the Church Secretary, Teresa Benhabeb-House is running in support of Northumbria Blood Bikes and Julie Vermaas and would welcome donations.