Weekly events
Community Players: 7.30pm - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Morning Badminton: 10.00am to 12 noon - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Rainbows: 5.15pm - contact Rainbow Guider: Judith Leja on 07711982077
Brownies: 6.00pm.- contact Brown Owl: Linda Glossop on 07982260720
Guides: 6.30pm contact Guider: Liz Kelly on 07714481089
Ladies Monthly Afternoon Coffee Club @ 2.00pm. (Third Tuesday in each month): contact Suzanne Hamnett on 01670 518485
Morning Badminton: 09.30am to 11.30am - contact Joyce Calcraft on 01670 515873
MIDDAY SERVICE at 12.30pm usually on the first Wednesday of each month - contact the Minister
Afternoon Carpet Bowls: 2.00pm to 4.00pm - contact Margaret Johnson on 01670 514510
Evening Carpet Bowls: 7.00pm to 10.00pm - contact Chris Hills on 01670 503338
Morning Badminton: 10.00am until 12.00 noon - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Evening Badminton: 7.30pm - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Community Players: 7.30pm - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Morpeth Baden-Powell Scouts: 7.00pm - contact Peter Rowbottom on 01670 517124
Country Dance Club: featuring our own St. George’s Band. Varies from month to month.
SUNDAY FAMILY WORSHIP & JUNIOR CHURCH - 10.30am. (On certain dates during August, on Morpeth Fair Day and on some dates around Christmas, we join our Methodist friends and hold a joint service at Howard Terrace - please refer to Diary page for dates)
Church Orchestra: normally used in morning service on 4th Sunday each month except August.
Choir Practice: 7.30pm to 8.45pm (on certain dates as required in advance of special events).
Community Players: 7.30pm - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Morning Badminton: 10.00am to 12 noon - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Rainbows: 5.15pm - contact Rainbow Guider: Judith Leja on 07711982077
Brownies: 6.00pm.- contact Brown Owl: Linda Glossop on 07982260720
Guides: 6.30pm contact Guider: Liz Kelly on 07714481089
Ladies Monthly Afternoon Coffee Club @ 2.00pm. (Third Tuesday in each month): contact Suzanne Hamnett on 01670 518485
Morning Badminton: 09.30am to 11.30am - contact Joyce Calcraft on 01670 515873
MIDDAY SERVICE at 12.30pm usually on the first Wednesday of each month - contact the Minister
Afternoon Carpet Bowls: 2.00pm to 4.00pm - contact Margaret Johnson on 01670 514510
Evening Carpet Bowls: 7.00pm to 10.00pm - contact Chris Hills on 01670 503338
Morning Badminton: 10.00am until 12.00 noon - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Evening Badminton: 7.30pm - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Community Players: 7.30pm - contact Jared Johnson on 01670 514510
Morpeth Baden-Powell Scouts: 7.00pm - contact Peter Rowbottom on 01670 517124
Country Dance Club: featuring our own St. George’s Band. Varies from month to month.
SUNDAY FAMILY WORSHIP & JUNIOR CHURCH - 10.30am. (On certain dates during August, on Morpeth Fair Day and on some dates around Christmas, we join our Methodist friends and hold a joint service at Howard Terrace - please refer to Diary page for dates)
Church Orchestra: normally used in morning service on 4th Sunday each month except August.
Choir Practice: 7.30pm to 8.45pm (on certain dates as required in advance of special events).